My Story

I started my journey for seeking truth at the age of twelve. My dream at that time was to travel around the world and tell people about the beauty within themselves and the world. I wanted to bring hope, a sense of fun, adventure and humour, mixed with awareness of the importance of living life fully, and for each person to know that they are important. It turned out a little different as I was sent into foster care. This was a difficult time for me and yet looking back to the families I stayed with, I am grateful for the chances given to me. One of the things I always loved is learning. I love learning, learning from life, from books, from people, from every situation that came onto my path.
In my work as a Psychotherapist and facilitator of personal growth workshops for twenty years, I have worked with courageous and open-minded people. No matter what age, nationality, stage of life, religion, or education, the one thing that connected us all is the curiosity to learn how to feel better, how to have more energy, how to be happy, manage our feelings, how to make better choices and how to see ourselves and the world through new eyes. Journeys of the Heart & Soul is a place of community for personal & spiritual growth and meaningful relationships. It embraces the importance for each person to discover fulfillment and meaning in being truly and fully themselves in an interactive exchange with others and for the greater good of all. This can be our family, our place of work, the people we meet in our life, the communities we belong to and anyone we engage with.
Who are Journeys of the Heart Soul for?
It is for all people, couples and groups who want to grow, heal and live their lives and relationships in harmony with their reality and essential truth. The most important thing is you and your personal growth, using the tools offered in accordance to your interest and needs, at a pace that suits you.
My work is informed by leading-edge research on psychotherapy and personal growth but is principally influenced by the work of Carl Rogers and his central belief that “The core of the human being is positive.”

“Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving”
~ Albert Einstein